49 participants from 14 EU countries participated in the Mobility Scouts EU Final Event in Brussels on the 5th of June 2018.
In her very interesting and inspiring key note speech Tine Buffel from Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA) – Sociology, The University of Manchester, presented an “insider” perspective on the benefits and challenges of peer-research. Furthermore, on behalf of the Mobility Scouts partnership Laura Christ (OVN-NL) and Anita Rappauer (queraum. cultural and social research) gave an overview on aims and outcomes of the Mobility Scouts project.
Finally, in a panel discussion relevant stakeholders and experts at different levels exchanged their views, experiences and visions of an age-friendly environment and the engagement of older people. Our moderator, Ernest van Hezik, also elicited very personal views on this issues and involved the audience actively in the discussions.
Many thanks to all project & cooperation partners as well as participants for bringing in their ideas, and perspectives and made the event really special. Our particular thanks goes also to Julia Wadoux and her colleagues from AGE Platform Europe for the great support in organising the event and to the Committee of Regions for hosting us.

Interesting links: